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01 Tests on Auditing (12 questions)
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Product description
1.Pismo - commitment to the audit organization is the organization being audited:
2. When an audit is required if the entity's management agreed to hire an expert?
3.Yavlyaetsya whether the information obtained by the auditor during the audit, and the result analizaukazannoy information on which to base the audit opinion audit evidence
4.Vozmozhno whether the data reflected in the balance of payments accounts, in expanded form?
5.Yavlyaetsya if necessary reflected in the working documents of the auditor kazhdogorassmotrennogo them during the inspection of a document or question,
6.Ispravlennye during the audit errors and violations are recorded:
7.Daet whether an unqualified auditor's confidence in the continuity of the enterprise?
8. What is an audit?
9.Auditorskie organization during the audit, establish the accuracy of the statements:
10.Obyazatelny audit - is:
11.Mozhet whether the auditor to determine the forms and methods of the audit?
12.Kakova legal form of contract of mandatory audit
Additional information
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