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02 Course Evaluation property (option 6)
Content: 40726212904300.rar 2848,7 kB
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Product description
Option №6
The building with total area of \u200b\u200b920 sq.m. with land cadastral number 64: 48: 050306: 81 total area of \u200b\u200b1440.0 square meters, located at: Saratov, ul. Shevchenko, 10
Address XXX
District XXX
Transportation achievable XXX
The building is located in the central part of the city. The first line of houses, located next to residential houses, administrative buildings.
Land, sq.m. 1440
Cadastral number 64/01/03049/056 from 13.09.2004 Mr.
Certificate of state registration of rights to land for treaty land rent number M-01-015857 from 26.01.2000 Mr.
Kind of right Property
The function of the office building
Total area, sq.m. 920
Certificate of state registration of rights to the building of the XX series BP №187200, Roster № 77-77-13 / 013 / 2006-857 from 12.01.2006g.
Kind of rights ownership of the building, the right to lease the land plot
The function of the office premises
Year of building construction 1927
The technical condition is good.
Floors 2
Carrying value, rub. 7990400
An architectural monument there
Other information: an office building renovated in 2000
Details about the burdens No
The building is in a satisfactory condition. Wear average structural elements.
Additional information
The list of documents submitted for evaluation
Certificate of state registration of ownership of the building House 64 AD №187200, Roster № 64-77-13 / 013 / 2006-857 from 12.01.2006g .;
Agreement on provision of land for rent number M-01-015857 from 26.01.2000, the long-term lease to 26.01.2025g .;
Cadastral plan of the land plot №64: 01: 03049: 056 from 13.09.2004 g .;
An extract from the technical passport of the building in. №343: 077-10772 of 08/01/2007 Mr.
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |