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2. Solving a chemistry problem
Content: 1.zip 100,05 kB
Product description
1. Using the given data on the dependence of the surface tension of the acid on the concentration at 298 K (B = 0.0194 J / m2), build an isotherm of the surface tension and find the surface activity from the graph.
2. Using the ratio (-db/dc)c1=d/dc[Bln(1 A*c])c1=AB/1 Ac1=g/1 Ac1, find the negative derivatives of -db/dc for the concentrations.
3. Having determined the negative derivatives-db/dc, calculate the Gibbs adsorption for these derivatives.
4. Calculate the s/r ratios for all r values and plot s/r versus s.
5. Using the linear portion of the last graph, find the Langmuir equation constant A by equating the Gibbs adsorption to the Langmuir adsorption.
6. Having determined the values of adsorption А∞, calculate the area occupied by the acid molecule in the surface layer S0.
Option 1
c*10-3, mol/m3 0 0.01 0.03 0.45 0.75 1.00 1.25
σ *103, J/m2 71.96 71.10 69.35 50.54 43.39 38.96 35.35
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