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10 jobs in organic chemistry (K / P 2, option 15)
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Uploaded: 17.10.2012
Content: 21017010319833.docx 273,19 kB
Product description
1. Propose methods for the synthesis -, -, -hydroxybutyric acid. In any of these acids, and why there are optical isomers?
2. Bring the reaction of the ketone form acetoacetic ester.
3. Consider the structure of the nitro group and its influence on the direction and speed of reactions of electrophilic substitution in the aromatic ring
4. Compare the action of nitrous acid in hydrochloric acid to methyl aniline and aniline at 0S. Explain why the resulting compounds belong to different classes. Which connection is formed by heating an aqueous solution of phenyldiazonium chloride?
5. explain why in an aqueous medium in the presence of mineral acids, amino acids are moved to the cathode, and an alkaline medium - to anode? What is called the isoelectric point? Write Scheme characterizing amphoteric character -aminopropionic acid.
6. To what class of compounds are fat? What caused the difference in the physical properties of solid and liquid fat? What products are obtained by hydrolysis with aqueous alkali oleopalmitostearina. Name the substance formed.
7. What monosaccharides obtained by hydrolysis of a) sucrose;
b) cellobiose; c) lactose. Write circuit reactions using structural formulas.
8. Write the reaction of obtaining ascorbic acid.
9. How do I get starch sorbitol? Write Scheme.
10. What explains the aromatic character of pyridine? Bring 2 ... 3 examples of electrophilic substitution.
Additional information
the amount of work - 12 pages
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