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Product description
1. Is the expression language used in the following syllogism? If not, what semantic principle it is broken?
All that is said about me detractors - low slander. "Low slander" - that's an understatement. Conclusion: what they say about me detractors - that's an understatement.
2. Check the tabular method, whether the formula is identically true (generally valid).
((Qvr) & r) ((p q) (r r)).
3. Translate the following conclusion on the tongue LLR and determine what species an activity that relates.
If he is smart, he will see his mistake. If he is sincere, it is recognized in it. But he does not see his mistake, or does not recognize it. Consequently, he or smart or not sincere.
4. Determine who is guilty of murder if it is known that each of the three witnesses to tell the truth.
1st: If Jones is innocent, then Smith and Brown, too innocent.
2nd: If Brown is innocent, that Smith was guilty, and Jones - no.
3rd: At least one of them is innocent.
5. Determine the type and check the following direct conclusions.
No educated person is not intrusive.
All obsessive people - rude.
6. The composition, shape, and check the mode of the following syllogism.
No fairy tale does not have a sad end.
Some children's books written in the genre of fairy tales.
No children's book does not have a sad end.
7. Use a circular pattern, determine in what ways are interconnected following concepts:
(1) Catholic (2) Christian (3), Orthodox (4) Buddhist (5) Pope, (6) the Dalai Lama, (7) the highest cleric in his confession.
8. Set the pattern and check the following division:
Men are divided into married, divorced and widowed.
9. Install the form and check the following definition:
Cow - a bovine animal that gives milk.
10. One plant has three friends - fitter, turner and welder. Their names - Ivanov, Petrov and Nikolaev. Only the most senior of them is already married. Petrov, unlike his brother, always plays with his brother-in chess Nikolaev. Turner Senior mechanic. At the welder no brothers or sisters. Set, who is who.
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