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103121 Hydraulics option 1
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Product description
Objective 1
Determine the maximum possible length of the main line LM, if the second barrel (dN2 = 19 mm) is necessary to obtain a stream of performance g2 = 4,8 l / s.
Sleeve system consists of a main line diameter dM = 77 mm, and three business lines lengths l1 = 40 m, l2 = 60 m, l3 = 80 m; diameter d1 = 51 mm, d2 = 66 mm, d3 = 51 mm and stems with diameters of nozzles dN1 = 13 mm dN2 = 19 mm, = 13 mm dN3. Stems are raised relative to the height of the branching Z1 = 6 m, Z2 = 9 m, Z3 = 12 m, and is installed relative to the axis branching fire engine pump PDA-40 (130) at a height of 4 m = Zrazv.
Sleeves of rubber.
Task 2
Determine the number AHP-pump - 40 (130) needed for water supply to the pumping, if the difference in elevation between the head-pump and water source Z = 5 m. Pumping is done at a distance L = 1000 m on two lines with a bag rubberized d1 = 66 mm and d2 = 66 mm. The head-pump, located at the site of the fire, provides the two trunks with diameters of nozzles dN1 = 16 mm and 13 mm = dN2. The pump operates in α = 0,75. Sleeves of rubber.
Objective 3
To fire monitors from the nozzle dN1 = 32 mm water supply from two fire trucks APR-40 (130) and AA-40 (131). From car PDA-40 (130) is extended hose line diameter d1 = 77 mm rubberized sleeves length L1 = 100 mm, and from the vehicle AA-40 (131) - from rubberized sleeves diameter d2 = 77 mm and a length L2 = 120 mm . The trunk is raised to a height of Z = 4 m. Determine the pitch of each of the fire pumps.
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