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20.6.16. The kinetic potential of the system L = (φ12 + 4φ22 + 4φ1φ2 - φ1 -. 4φ2 From the differential equations of motion, the corresponding generalized coordinate φ1 determine the angular acceleration φ1 at a time when the angular acceleration φ2 = -0,5 m / s2.
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(DYNAMICS, Chapter 20 - Lagrange equation of the second kind, paragraph - 20.6: Lagrange equation of the second kind for systems with several degrees of freedom) from Reshebnik to the collection of short tasks on the theoretical mechanics Kep OE, JA Viba, OP Grapis, JA Svetinysh et al. Publishing Moscow / Graduate School / 1989, 2009, 2012.
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