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Treatment of Lazyness
Content: lekarstvo_ot_leni.pdf 3535,06 kB
Product description
This is a cure not only for laziness, but also for boredom and the meaninglessness of existence. Anyone who wants to become cheerful and successful, get rid of fatigue and depression, learn to collect himself and live a full life, will find here what he wants and more. If your child is out of hand, if there are problems with studies, this book will tell you how to be and what to do. There are also life-saving remedies for workaholics…
The book is published in the author´s design, PDF format, interactive content.
Attention! The book has a protected format, password: LL_levi
Additional information
A series of webinars by Vladimir Levi: https://promo.yanakataeva.com/product/samopolitika/
Problemariy: free helping resource https://levi.ru/problemariy/
This project is a guide of self-development, the fruit of several decades of medical, psychological and writing work; matures from the first moment of conscious spiritual help to a person in need of such help.
An extensive helping resource, constantly replenished.
Consists of advisory correspondence with specific people with their specific problems; from my revised and supplemented texts - book, article, mailing and others. All to one: to give the Seeker the confidence of self-development. Knowing, understanding, meaningful confidence, necessary to solve a variety of life tasks.
The navigation tree is branched according to the main range of topics and questions with which I am addressed.