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Mistakes of Our Health
Content: oshibki_zdorovya.pdf 3013,96 kB
Product description
This book is about a work called Health: how to understand it, how to perform it, how to fix it.
Many recipes for healing the body and soul are presented with the skill of a writer and poet, with humor and inspiration.
This book is about how to correct and prevent mistakes of the soul and body.
Additional information
A series of webinars by Vladimir Levi: https://promo.yanakataeva.com/product/samopolitika/
Problemariy: free helping resource https://levi.ru/problemariy/
This project is a guide of self-development, the fruit of several decades of medical, psychological and writing work; matures from the first moment of conscious spiritual help to a person in need of such help.
An extensive helping resource, constantly replenished.
Consists of advisory correspondence with specific people with their specific problems; from my revised and supplemented texts - book, article, mailing and others. All to one: to give the Seeker the confidence of self-development. Knowing, understanding, meaningful confidence, necessary to solve a variety of life tasks.
The navigation tree is branched according to the main range of topics and questions with which I am addressed.