- Arts & Culture 6274
- Business & Economics 672
- Computers 318
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 81
- Education & Science 77647
- Abstracts 73
- Astrology 5
- Biology 8
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- Coursework 15614
- Culture 8
- Diplomas 317
- Drawings 1596
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- Economy 81
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- Ethics, Aesthetics 3
- For Education Students 17690
- Foreign Languages 11
- Geography 3
- Geology 1
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- Maps & Atlases 5
- Mathematics 12745
- Musical Literature 2
- Pedagogics 21
- Philosophy 22
- Physics 15123
- Political Science 5
- Practical Work 59
- Psychology 65
- Religion 4
- Russian and culture of speech 8
- School Textbooks 7
- Sociology 9
- Summaries, Cribs 86
- Test Answers 162
- Tests 8664
- Textbooks for Colleges and Universities 32
- Theses 7
- To Help Graduate Students 14
- To Help the Entrant 38
- Vetting 407
- Works 13
- Информатика 8
- Engineering 802
- Fiction 709
- House, Family & Entertainment 86
- Law 133
- Website Promotion 70
Where to live
Content: KJ_reading.pdf 4603,11 kB
Product description
FULL ANALOGUE OF A PAPER BOOK (information about the password at the end of the annotation)
A bunch of keys to release from all sorts of addictions: alcohol, love, smoking, evaluative, food, gaming, workaholic and vice versa ... To true freedom - internal. To the meaning of life - concrete and living. Encyclopedia of habits and good habits.
The book is published in the author´s design, PDF format, interactive content.
Attention! The book has a protected format, password: svoboda17
Additional information
Webinars https://promo.yanakataeva.com/product/samopolitika/
Prblemariy (great self-help resource) https://levi.ru/problemariy/
This project is a guide of self-development, the result of several decades of medical, psychological and writing work; matures from the first moment of conscious spiritual help to a person in need of such help.
Table of Contents
The art of being yourself: a thousand worlds.
Inner freedom: a workshop on well-being.
The art of being different: communication and understanding.
Relationship practice. of all kinds.
Health: locks and keys.
Self-healing practice.
Parenting: almost everything about children.
Practicum of relations with a child, small and large.
Symposium: about psychological and medical assistance.
Workshop for helping others. extreme situations.
Messages of the Thinking Universe.
Practicum of thought: to man - from mankind.