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60 years old man King Naley Sixtieth
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Uploaded: 27.03.2017
Content: 60 лет мужчине Король Налей Шестидесятый.docx 28,37 kB

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Read, choose the script of 60 years old man, King Naley Sixtieth. The festive plan consists of an introduction, then the feast begins, toasts, competitions, especially the COMPETITION "Vehicle inspection", a birthday vehicle.
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60 years old man King Naley Sixtieth - the beginning of the celebration
By the appointed hour, the shooter is approaching,
And the jubilee holiday begins today!
(Everyone applauds, ladies form a festive corridor)
Attention! With your smiles embraced,
His Majesty King Naley Sixtieth!
(The jubilee in the crown comes out to the sounds of the polonaise.)
Anniversary! Great date! -
And it does not matter how old you are.
If they please the eye and kiss the girls ...
(The ladies surround the birthday boy, they kiss)
So, it´s time to open our banquet!
(Everyone takes their places to music.)
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