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7. Experimental data obtained coagulation gold hydrosol
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Product description
7. Experimental data obtained coagulation gold hydrosol
NaCl solution:
Coagulation time τ, s 0 60 120 420 900
Total number of particles in 1 m 3, n⋅10 -14 5.22 4.35 3.63 2.31 1.48
The viscosity of the medium is η = 1⋅10-3 Pa⋅; temperature T = 293 K; constant
Boltzmann k = 1.38⋅10-23 J / K. Calculate the average Smoluchowski constant K and compare it with the calculated K = .....
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Questions and problems from the manual:
"Laboratory Workshop on Colloid Chemistry" Nekrasov AP, Veretenchenko BA, Kharkov NTU "KhPI", 2004
"Characteristic properties of disperse systems" Nekrasov AP, Kharkov, 1996
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