7 secrets of writing ads for Yandex

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Product description

7 secrets of writing ads for Yandex

Today, one of the best strategies to promote your site and product is Yandex.

I will say this: Direct - is a powerful tool for placing contextual ads on the pages of Yandex and websites participating of its advertising network.

And unfortunately, many people use Yandex extremely inefficient and in the end disappointed in this source of income ...

This is suitable to work with Yandex on my technique?

1) newcomers to the Internet business;
2) consisting INTERNET businessmen;
3) wish to make money online;
4) advertising specialists.

Additional information

If the book is not yet, it does not mean that it is - bad. This means that I can not motivate buyers to leave positive feedback and bestow FOR THIS gifts, leaving them complete freedom: anyone got a minute, he cherknёt good mot.

And so,

From this book you will learn something that will not find anywhere else:

--How To write ads for your target audience, and not under the hordes of freeloaders, scour the Runet (and consuming, by the way, you have the money);

--You Know the main formula consists of three elements, without which all your actions Yandeks.Direkte prove unprofitable and pointless;

--Pochemu Even the coolest ads to popular information products (other partners who sell bundles!) Might be for you a waste of time and money.

-How And how to use the tool for the selection of key phrases;

-How 6 methods of selecting the maximum total amount of key phrases for your affiliate program, you can apply;

-How To identify your target audience, and building on this, search for key phrases;

-How To cut non-target audience using the so-called "Negative Keywords."

-How 7 of the rules you can apply in the preparation of your effective ads;

-How And why to use key phrases in the text of the ad;

-How 4 groups of words literally catch the eye of potential buyers to your ads, and cause him an irresistible urge to immediately click on him;

-How Classic kopiraytersky reception is most often used in the preparation of advertisements;

-How Special characters and numbers may increase the performance of your ads.

--At Have 3 groups of people divided queries in the search engine Yandex;

-How To use each of these groups in the best way;

--Pochemu, Spending a little more time on the selection of all the necessary inquiries to you, you will significantly increase the efficiency of your advertising campaigns;

-How You usually have to use your ads as precisely as possible consistent with each group requests.

--You Will learn how to reduce the cost of the entrance to the guaranteed displays, intelligently using the low-frequency key phrases.

-How Classical people make typos when using by Yandex and why sometimes it to you quite at hand;

-How Illiterate people can bring you a lot of potential buyers with the right approach.

-How You must use a formula in the calculation of minimum, average and maximum cost per click that you can not afford the risk of losing large amounts of money;

-How To learn infoproduktov selling text conversion, affiliate program you are promoting (for use in the formula);

-How The price you have to click to set for the young, not yet fledged, announcements;

-How Competently manipulated the price of clicks to get your ad in guaranteed displays with high barriers to entry.

-How To conduct a competent testing your advertising campaigns in order to increase their efficiency;

--Skolko Stages it includes in itself and when it can be considered as completed;

--Po What parameters can reveal classified leader on the results of testing;

--What Do with old ads, which have been found to be ineffective;

-How Options testing different strategies you can use for your advertising campaigns.

--In This section, I present 30 ads of my advertising campaigns, which have been recognized as leaders in the first two rounds of testing. In addition, for each ad you can see the actual statistics of impressions, clicks, average CPC and CTR.

--Zdes And only here you will learn about how I learned to work with Yandex. All my mistakes, setbacks, negative and positive experiences of frustration and joy - all will appear before you in this final section of my special report!


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