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75 answers to the exam by Financial Analysis
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Uploaded: 12.01.2016
Content: ответы АХД.docx 931,02 kB
Product description
1. What is the result of a stochastic factor analysis:
2. Foresight is needed to:
3. The method of analysis of economic activity - is:
4. Assets ratio is calculated as:
5. The economic content of labor productivity:
6. Materialootdacha is calculated as:
7. Depreciation and amortization - is:
8. Coefficient life of fixed assets is calculated as:
9. The company´s profit - is:
10. The comparability of indicators suggests:
11. The method of groups - it is:
12. The capital ratio is calculated as:
13. The intensity of labor is:
14. The material consumption is calculated as:
15. The turnover rate is calculated as:
16. Loss of the enterprise - is:
17. The additive model is deterministic analysis model of the three factors is:
18. Marginal profit is:
19. The capital-labor shows:
20. Sources of formation of profit is:
21. Return on assets is:
22. The quick assets include:
23. The absolute liquidity ratio is calculated as follows:
24. Which of the methods of company valuation takes into account the expectations for future periods:
25. Continued growth rates reflect:
26. What is the type of factor analysis, which measures the relationship, which can be characterized as a complete and quantitative:
27. A distinctive feature of single-stage factor analysis:
28. Factor analysis is:
29. What type of factor model is deterministic factor analysis model type P = a / b:
30. The static factor analysis:
31. Analysis of economic activity is:
32. The objectives of economic analysis - is:
33. The subject of the analysis of economic activity is:
34. Which of the sources of information for the analysis can be described as internal:
35. Which of the following is not a type of factor analysis:
36. In which of the methods of deterministic factor analysis of the combined influence of factors relates entirely to the latter factor:
37. The requirement for system analysis - is ::
38. The absolute value of the index - is:
39. The composition of the factors in the analysis of economic activity are:
40. Which models of deterministic factor analysis method is applicable relative differences:
41. The coefficient of depreciation is calculated as:
42. Fixed costs are:
43. Which of the following reflects the level of production organization:
44. Nominal income is:
45. Return on sales is:
46. The most liquid assets are:
47. The liquidity of the company is:
48. The duration of the turnover in days calculated as follows:
49. The residual value of the company is:
50. Annual growth rates reflect base:
51. What is the type of factor analysis, which measures the probability and incomplete relationship:
52. The distinctive feature of the multi-factor analysis:
53. The purpose of factor analysis:
54. What type of factor model is deterministic factor analysis model type P = a * b * c:
55. What type of factor analysis techniques are used correlation and regression analysis:
56. Economic analysis - is:
57. In which of the points most closely are the principles of economic analysis:
58. The object of study in the analysis of economic activity - is:
59. In which of the following sources of information for the analysis of recorded values of forecast for the future:
60. Which of the following does not apply to the methods of factor analysis:
61. In which of the methods of deterministic factor analysis of the combined influence of factors is distributed evenly among all the factors:
62. Revealing of reserves of increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise - is:
63. The relative value of the index - is:
Additional information
1. What is the result of a stochastic factor analysis:
2. Foresight is needed to:
3. The method of analysis of economic activity - is:
4. Assets ratio is calculated as:
5. The economic content of labor productivity:
6. Materialootdacha is calculated as:
7. Depreciation and amortization - is:
8. Coefficient life of fixed assets is calculated as:
9. The company´s profit - is:
10. The comparability of indicators suggests:
11. The method of groups - it is:
12. The capital ratio is calculated as:
13. The intensity of labor is:
14. The material consumption is calculated as:
15. The turnover rate is calculated as:
16. Loss of the enterprise - is:
17. The additive model is deterministic analysis model of the three factors is:
18. Marginal profit is:
19. The capital-labor shows:
20. Sources of formation of profit is:
21. Return on assets is:
22. The quick assets include:
23. The absolute liquidity ratio is calculated as follows:
24. Which of the methods of company valuation takes into account the expectations for future periods:
25. Continued growth rates reflect:
26. What is the type of factor analysis, which measures the relationship, which can be characterized as a complete and quantitative:
27. A distinctive feature of single-stage factor analysis:
28. Factor analysis is:
29. What type of factor model is deterministic factor analysis model type P = a / b:
30. The static factor analysis:
31. Analysis of economic activity is:
32. The objectives of economic analysis - is:
33. The subject of the analysis of economic activity is:
34. Which of the sources of information for the analysis can be described as internal:
35. Which of the following is not a type of factor analysis:
36. In which of the methods of deterministic factor analysis of the combined influence of factors relates entirely to the latter factor:
37. The requirement for system analysis - is ::
38. The absolute value of the index - is:
39. The composition of the factors in the analysis of economic activity are:
40. Which models of deterministic factor analysis method is applicable relative differences:
41. The coefficient of depreciation is calculated as:
42. Fixed costs are:
43. Which of the following reflects the level of production organization:
44. Nominal income is:
45. Return on sales is:
46. The most liquid assets are:
47. The liquidity of the company is:
48. The duration of the turnover in days calculated as follows:
49. The residual value of the company is:
50. Annual growth rates reflect base:
51. What is the type of factor analysis, which measures the probability and incomplete relationship:
52. The distinctive feature of the multi-factor analysis:
53. The purpose of factor analysis:
54. What type of factor model is deterministic factor analysis model type P = a * b * c:
55. What type of factor analysis techniques are used correlation and regression analysis:
56. Economic analysis - is:
57. In which of the points most closely are the principles of economic analysis:
58. The object of study in the analysis of economic activity - is:
59. In which of the following sources of information for the analysis of recorded values of forecast for the future:
60. Which of the following does not apply to the methods of factor analysis:
61. In which of the methods of deterministic factor analysis of the combined influence of factors is distributed evenly among all the factors:
62. Revealing of reserves of increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise - is:
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