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AB operational current
Content: АБ оперативного тока.rar 964,38 kB
Product description
Working project of reconstruction of the operating current system of the CHPP.
Sections ES and KR.
The DC installation consists of the following electrical equipment:
− storage battery 2SK-12;
− element commutator;
− DC shield;
− charging and recharging unit.
The basis for the equipment to be replaced is the equipment manufactured by Zavod Convertor LLC.
The composition of the ES section for the reconstruction of batteries:
- Common data.
- Structural diagram of SOPT-2.
- Scheme of sectioning of the SHPT.
- Table of connection of loads of hardware cabinets of SCPT.
- Layout of equipment and cable routes.
- Scheme of connection of battery cells.
- Layout of cabinets and equipment.
- UTSP M1000 device. Dimensional drawing.
- UZP 200 device. Dimensional drawing.
- Cable magazine.
- Specification of equipment, products and materials.
The composition of the KR section on the reconstruction of batteries:
- Common data.
- A fragment of the plan for finishing the battery room at el. 4200.
Format - DWG compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2017, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD, etc.
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