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Absurd as a language phenomenon (thesis)
Content: text 128 symbols
Product description
Table of contents:
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Interpretation of the category of the absurd through the prism of semiotic analysis 8
1.1. The religious formulation of the problem of the absurd 8
1.2. Linguistic interpretation of the absurd as existential 14
Chapter 2. The phenomenon of the absurd in the communication system 26
2.1. The ratio of everyday communication with models of absurd speech 26
2.2. Comparative analysis of absurdity and madness 38
2.3. Theatricality as one of the most important principles of absurd consciousness 41
Conclusion 46
References 49
Additional information
Based on the topic of the thesis, we actualize two interesting and important problems: the absurd and the language. They are closely related to each other and need to be justified. By revealing the most difficult moments of linguistic problems, we can get close enough to the phenomenon of the absurd. And vice versa, the deeper the analysis of the existence of the absurd is, the more meanings and new ideas can be explicated from the linguistic space.
Chapter 1. Interpretation of the category of the absurd through the prism of semiotic analysis.
1.1 Religious formulation of the problem of the absurd.
The attitude of the Danish philosopher Serena Kierkegaard to religiosity, faith, God, man and the absurd has a specific meaning. To begin with, we note that Kierkegaard was one of the starting points in the formation of a new type of thinking for that time. A new stratum in the transformation of philosophy created other interpretations of the above categories. This layer was the irrationality of thinking, which gave rise to a critical attitude to the mind.
Kierkegaard as the progenitor of the direction of existentialism focused on deep inner experiences that carry an unreasonable character, but play an important role in understanding the essence of man. In opposition to the Hegelian classical system, categories were needed that opened the way to a new direction of philosophizing. Although the categories themselves as such are already entrenched in the language, but imparting updated meanings would give a change to traditional ideas.
1.2 Linguistic interpretation of the absurd as an existential.
“By identifying and describing the mechanisms for constituting the fundamental structures of everyday experience, the fundamental life-significant meanings of human experience, existentialism shows that the immediate" discovery of the world ", its initial" meaning "is the movement (method) by which a person discovers what he sees" being-in-the-world ", self-determined in being, producing itself in the world as a concrete individuality" [8; c.1035].
Chapter 2. The phenomenon of the absurd in the communication system.
2.1. The ratio of everyday communication with models of absurd speech.
Drawing attention to a convenient definition of communication, as presented in the encyclopedia of postmodernism, we get: “Communication is the achievement of social community while maintaining the individuality of each of its elements” [16; p.532]. Here you can find a small, but important contradiction.
2.2 Comparative analysis of absurdity and madness.
“There is not a single culture in the world where everything would be allowed. It is well known for a long time that a person does not begin with freedom, but with a limit, with an irresistible line. It is precisely because of this that madness appeared not as a trick of hidden meaning, but as a delightful repository of meaning ”[23; p.224], - writes Michel Foucault in his work “Abnormal” about the complexity of the phenomenon of madness in past eras and in modern times. We are also interested in the relationship between the phenomena of madness and the absurd: the elements common to them, the elements of difference, the attitude to the phenomena themselves.
2.3. Theatricality as one of the most important principles of absurd consciousness.
Describing the absurd consciousness, we must identify the main core that distinguishes precisely such a consciousness. In everyday life, it is very difficult to make a model of absurd communication, let alone put it into practice. Then what else can give freedom in the expression of absurdity no matter how literature, cinema and theater?
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