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Account and the Bank´s operations practice, 10h
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Uploaded: 24.01.2016
Content: Учет и опер деят банка пр.rar 28,29 kB
Product description
Accounting and operating activities of banks are 10 tasks.
Problem 1. Perform the following steps:
1) the bank issued a monetary cash commercial customer on payment in the amount of 1 500 thousand. Rub .;
2) issued by the Bank from the cash amount on travel expenses, the bank employee - 30 th. Rub .;
3) based on the account cash warrant put cash to replenish the correspondent account - 1 bn. Rub .;
4) on behalf of a commercial customer made a payment through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia to other commercial bank in the amount of 23 million. Rub .;
5) to the cashier of the bank credited the proceeds received from a commercial customer in the amount of
Additional information
Task 5: Perform the following steps:
1) to the correspondent account of the bank credited the amount of the principal debt repayment of previously paid bank guarantee - 200 mn. Rub .;
2) the bank transferred the sum to charity - 5 million. Rub .;
3) Received amount of the fine for late paid interest from another commercial bank - 21 th. Rub .;
4) transfer the amount to the reserve fund of the bank - 2 million. Rub .;
5) the bank took into account the amount overpaid income tax - 5 th. Rub .;
6) the amount obtained from commercial customers in return for cash management services - 317 thousand. Rub .;
7) the bank transferred the sum to the payment of
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