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Accounting (financial) statements, Test
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Accounting (financial) statements, Test
Task 1
Question 1. What is meant by the financial statements?
1. The drawing up of the balance;
2. The financial performance of the organization;
3. Report of Cash Flows;
4. Statement of changes in equity;
5. The system of indicators, which reflect the property and financial position of the organization at the balance sheet date, the financial results of its operations for the period.
Question 2. What are the users of financial information:
1. managers, founders, participants and owners of the company, potential investors;
2. persons directly involved in the management;
3. Persons who are not working in the organization in the organization, but having a direct financial interest in the activities of the organization;
4. Persons who are not directly working in the organization, but have an indirect financial interest and various financial institutions;
5. Ministry of Finance.
Question 3. How many sections of the Regulations on accounting?
1. six;
2. Three;
3. five;
4. Two;
5. four.
Question 4 Give the definition of "International Accounting Standards".
1. This method of accounting;
2. It is designed accounting rules under capitalism;
3. it is the organizational and methodological aspects of accounting developed by international organizations;
4. a set of rules, methods, accounting procedures, highly developed organizations which are advisory in nature;
5. This set of rules binding for all.
Question 5: What is the number of international standards currently used?
1. 25 standards;
2. 39 standards;
3. 35 standards;
4. 40 standards;
5. 39 standards.
Task 2
Question 1. Do you think it is possible now to use international accounting standards in Russia?
1. in part;
2. difficult;
3. impossible;
4. in the long term can be;
5. Yes and no.
Question 2. What is the proposed system of international accounting?
1. this account, used for comparative analysis internationally;
2. The translation into the language of accounting operations of multinational companies;
3. Maintenance of accounting needs of the international financial market;
4. The alignment of diversity in methods of accounting and financial reporting, which is observed in various countries of the world through the development of common standards;
5. All of the above.
Question 3. What forms of financial statements adopted in 2002?
1. The balance sheet, statement of cash flows;
2. Profit and loss account, changes in equity;
3. The balance sheet and the annex to the balance sheet;
4. The balance sheet and explanations of the statements;
5. The balance sheet, income statement, explanations to the balance sheet and statements of profit and loss, the auditor's report.
Question 4. According to international standards in preparing financial statements economic entity will continue to operate for:
1. 12 months;
2. 24 months;
3. 6 months;
4. 36 months;
5. The period is specified.
Question 5: Give the most complete definition of accounting:
1 is a system which collects, measured, recorded, processed and transmitted information necessary for decision-making related to the strategy of the company in the market;
2. a set of methods and techniques for the proper accounting;
3. The compilation of the balance of assets, liabilities and business operations;
4. The method of knowledge of the subject;
5. balance, double entry.
Activity 3
Question 1. The accounting system distinguish between:
1. The management and financial accounting;
2. Economic Accounting;
3. current, operational accounting;
4. statistical records;
5. Regulatory accounting.
Question 2. What is meant by management accounting?
1. collection of all kinds of accounting information for internal use by management and managers who can develop and make informed managemen
Additional information
35 Task 5 questions
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