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Actual problems of labor law (IMEI)
Content: карточка ответов.xls 56 kB
Product description
"Actual problems of labor law»
Additional information
Job 1 - 20 (each homework 5 questions)
Task 1.
question 1. What groups can be divided into relations are the subject of labor law:
Task 3.
Question 1. What groups of conditions make up the content of the collective agreement:
Task 5.
Question 1. In what term from the date of signing of the employment contract, the order (order) of the employer on employment is declared to the worker under the receipt:
Task 6.
Question 1. In case of dismissal of the employee, in what period the employer is obliged to issue a work book:
Task 11.
Question 1. What types of disciplinary sanctions the employer has the right to apply for a disciplinary offense in accordance with the Labor code:
Task 15.
Question 1. The duration of the weekly continuous rest may not be less than:
Task 16.
Question 1. The work of an employee of the internal Affairs bodies is regulated by the law:
Task 18.
Question 1. How many months should not exceed the duration of the watch:
Task 20.
Question 1.With employees sent to work in the representative office of the Russian Federation abroad is an employment contract for a period of:
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |