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Adaptation of first-graders to school. Test Synergy ans
Uploaded: 10.10.2022
Content: Ответы. Адаптация первоклассников к школе.zip 237,8 kB
Product description
Adaptation of first-graders to school. Test Synergy answers. 50 questions with answers handed over for 100 points.
1. The adaptation process goes through the stages ...
2. The scoring (grading) system for assessing the knowledge of students in the first grade was canceled in accordance with ... the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2021 / 11-13 “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school” dated September 25, 2000.
3. In the first year of study, taking into account the characteristics of first-graders, the lesson includes two structural elements: ...
4. As part of the joint work of teachers, school administration and parents to adapt children to school, methodological work is carried out, which is aimed at improving ...
5. On average, the period of acute adaptation lasts ...
6. The most important means of including children in educational activities is ...
7. The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials for a first grader should not exceed ... kg
8. Extracurricular activities in the extended day group (GPA) are organized in accordance with ...
9. A high level of adaptation (on the scale of A.L. Wenger) is characterized by ...
10. The main role in reducing the risk of a child developing school maladjustment and learning difficulties belongs to ...
11. The main regulator of the social behavior of first graders is ...
12. For first-graders in the middle of the school day, it is recommended to organize a dynamic break in the fresh air for ... minutes.
13. For first-graders and their parents, it is recommended to hold "Health Days" once every ...
14. Classes in such types of educational activities as reading, music lessons, drawing, modeling, needlework, board games should continue continuously for no more than ... minutes of the lesson
15. Among the most favorable factors for the adaptation of a first grader are ...
16. The model of a proper, generally valid rule of conduct established by social groups and society is a social ...
17. A motivating center that ensures a child’s desire to study, his desire to match the level of his peers and his emotional and psychological mood is called ...
18. At the initial stage of training, for the systematic adaptation of the first grader to the educational process in the lesson, the teacher should adhere to the position ...
19. It is not true that the main pedagogical task in the adaptation period of first-graders to school is ...
20. It is not true that the tasks of the first parent meeting include ...
21. It is not true that one of the main problems that children usually face when entering school is: ...
22. It is not true that the main means of establishing and maintaining contacts with the parents of first-graders is ...
23. It is not true that it is subject to evaluation ...
24. It is not true that the cause of the state of maladaptation can be ...
25. The inability to find acceptable ways to adapt to specific conditions when solving any problems is called ...
26. Compulsory physical education for first graders should be held ...
27. The main purpose of the adaptation period is ...
28. According to A.B. Vorontsov, are a lesson and ...
29. A first-grader should spend no more than ... per day on homework
30. First-graders are enrolled in an extended day group according to ... parents.
31. The first period of adaptation of a first grader to school is called ...
32. According to the doctor of pedagogical sciences M.M. Bezrukikh, the discrepancy between the functional capabilities of children and the requirements that the education system makes, can be called school ...
33. According to the doctor of pedagogical sciences N.F. Vinogradova, a complex of internal causes that provoke a child’s maladjustment to school are problems ...
34. According to the duration of the influence on the personality, such types of maladaptation are distinguished as temporary, situational and ...
35. Behavio
Additional information
36. The regulation on the organization of the adaptation period of a first-grader in an educational institution is adopted on ..., then approved and put into effect by order
37. Walking and outdoor games of first-graders in the air should be carried out during the day at least ...
38. The process that leads to disruption of interaction with the environment, aggravation of the problem situation and is accompanied by interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, is called ...
39. Psychocorrective work is focused on ...
40. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, aimed at identifying the characteristics of the status of schoolchildren, is carried out ...
41. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, aimed at determining the readiness of the child for school, is carried out for the first time ...
42. Psychological and pedagogical support at the second stage of children´s adaptation to school involves the predominant use of ...
43. Psychological and pedagogical support for a first grader in the first half of the year is carried out by a psychologist, teacher and ...
44. Work to identify first-graders who experience various difficulties in learning, behavior or well-being in school situations is being carried out ...
45. Developing psychological and pedagogical work is carried out during ...
46. The development of reflective self-esteem is based mainly on ...
47. Parental consultations in the first year of study are recommended ...
48. The self-esteem of a first grader develops due to the fact that he ...
49. The totality of internal and external conditions and resources for solving the problems of teaching, educating and developing students is a didactic concept ...
50. Match the stages and dynamics of the adaptation period