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Advertising: Book Yourself copywriter
Refunds: 1
Uploaded: 26.09.2005
Content: sam-sebe-copyrighter.rar 64,46 kB
Product description
The principles of attracting and sale of goods and services. Russian written in Russian. And can be used as a promotional phrase for site promotion, goods in the store Plati.ru !!!
Additional information
"Excerpt from the book":
However, it will be even more specific. Now I'll give you ...
"Secret semishagovuyu formula you should use to your offer was irresistible!"
I did not come up with it ... A pity ... We would like to pass the Savior of mankind Step One: You have to say something that will attract the attention of your reader. That is, it will be your headlines.
Assigning your headline - to attract the reader's attention and make him read the whole text. And more! Title- it as a doorbell. You will remain standing on the threshold of your wonderful offer, if the client is sitting behind their iron bolt and neither sleep nor spirit did not know about your existence ...
Your headline should specifically aim at your desired man and force him to react and move on - that is, read your message.
Once again, remember that it is an advertisement Title- your advertising.
Always stressed the greatest benefit of your offer or give any great promise, directed to the fact that the desired client is clearly seen what solution you offer any problems.
In short, if you have the biggest or the sweetest pie carrots, and show their!
Sprinkles always at least 10 titles, and then compare them with each other for effectiveness. The most effective will be the header that gives the best response. This hedgehog is clear. In any case, you can be a combination of headers, or use them as subtitles and even the leader-paragraphs.
Step Two: You must accurately explain to the readers why they should be interested in what you have to offer ....
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