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Text control work on discipline
"The Bar"
Task 1.
Question 1. What can be based representation?
1. the contract;
2. In the judgment of the law;
3. On the law and the contract together;
4. On the simple fact;
5. All statements are true.
Question 2: Which of the following definitions of the legal profession is not it?
1. This is the legal profession;
2. This class of lawyers, that is, class of persons who have devoted themselves the legal profession;
3. This pravozastupnichestvo;
4. This legal representation;
5. All statements are true.
Question 3. When I first coined the term "lawyer" in the regulations in Russia?
1. In 1939,
2. In 1864,
3. In 1918,
4. In 1874,
5. None of the statements is not true.
Question 4: What is an article of the Russian Constitution guarantees everyone the right to qualified legal assistance?
1. Article 2;
2. Article 7;
3. Article 49;
4. Articles 2 and 49;
5. Articles 2, 7 and 49.
Question 5. The main activities of the Bar Association are as follows:
1. Consultations, clarification of existing legislation, both oral and written information on legal issues;
2. Preparation of applications, complaints and other legal documents;
3. Representation in civil courts, in cases of administrative offenses;
4. Participation in the criminal proceedings as a defender of the suspect, the accused or the victim's representative, civil plaintiff, civil defendant;
5. All statements are true.
Task 2.
Question 1. What is the status of the legal profession?
1. This is a public organization;
2. It is a private, commercial enterprise;
3. It is a public institution;
4. This is a commercial organization;
5. This is a non-profit enterprise.
Question 2. What normative act regulating the activities of the Bar in the Russian Federation?
1. Federal Law "On the Bar";
2. Federal Law "On Advocacy" and the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
3. Federal law "On Advocacy" and guidelines on the role of lawyers;
4. The main provisions on the role of lawyers and the constitution of the Russian Federation;
5. The provisions of the Legal Profession in the Russian Federation.
Question 3. Who can engage in the practice of law?
1. A person who has a law degree and experience as a lawyer for at least 1 year;
2. A person between 18 and 60 years, with higher legal education and work experience as a lawyer for at least 2 years;
3. The person having a higher legal education and work experience as a lawyer for at least 2 years;
4. A person who has a university degree and experience as a lawyer for at least 2 years;
5. None of the statements is incorrect.
Question 4: Who supervises the activities of the legal profession?
1. The President of the Russian Federation;
2. The Government of the Russian Federation;
3. The Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
4. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;
5. None of the statements is not true.
Question 5. What are the duties of members of the Bar?
1. Counsel shall in their activities accurately and consistently comply with the requirements of current legislation, to use all legal means and methods of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations who applied to him for legal assistance;
2. The lawyer is not entitled to accept an assignment to provide legal assistance in the cases provided by law;
3. Counsel shall not disclose any information communicated to him by the principal in connection with the provision of legal aid;
4. The lawyer should be an example of moral purity and irreproachable conduct, obliged to constantly improve their knowledge and raise their ideological and political level and business skills to partic
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