- Arts & Culture 6259
- Business & Economics 673
- Computers 320
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 81
- Education & Science 77416
- Abstracts 73
- Astrology 5
- Biology 8
- Chemistry 4486
- Coursework 15614
- Culture 8
- Diplomas 317
- Drawings 1596
- Ecology 5
- Economy 81
- English 81
- Ethics, Aesthetics 3
- For Education Students 17678
- Foreign Languages 11
- Geography 3
- Geology 1
- History 90
- Maps & Atlases 5
- Mathematics 12625
- Musical Literature 2
- Pedagogics 21
- Philosophy 22
- Physics 15123
- Political Science 5
- Practical Work 59
- Psychology 65
- Religion 4
- Russian and culture of speech 8
- School Textbooks 7
- Sociology 9
- Summaries, Cribs 88
- Test Answers 162
- Tests 8632
- Textbooks for Colleges and Universities 32
- Theses 7
- To Help Graduate Students 14
- To Help the Entrant 38
- Vetting 407
- Works 13
- Информатика 8
- Engineering 801
- Fiction 708
- House, Family & Entertainment 85
- Law 133
- Website Promotion 70
Album drawings of buildings Russian zhel. roads, 1872
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Uploaded: 08.12.2018
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Product description
A rare reference for railway professionals of the 19th century. The album presents a huge number of schemes of railway interchanges, station plans, drawings of buildings and facilities of the station infrastructure, including with indication of underground warehouses and tunnels. Schemes and devices of bridges and bridges on the route of trains are presented. Devices of rotary sorting wheels, coupling schemes, locomotives and wagon gear. Drawings of steam installations and other mechanisms for servicing railway stations are given.
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