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Alexander Bazdyrev. End Nakhalovka.
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Uploaded: 02.03.2016
Content: КОНЕЦ НАХАЛОВКИ.rar 198,17 kB
Product description
Story Altai writer Alexander G. Bazdyreva "End Nakhalovka" - ostrosotsialnye work affecting numerous problems of man and society. The action of the novel takes place in the city of Barnaul and covers a considerable period of time, starting from the pre-war years and ending with the fifties of the XX century. Afterword Popov.
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... On the example of his family, he knew how hard the older woman to change their habits. At first, he moved to the city, their family lived in a private apartment. Someone else in the place of the mother probably would have rejoiced that waited deserved rest. No cow she nor pigs, nor the garden. Went to the grocery store, cook dinner, and you want - read books, you want - Go to the movies. But she was not happy about anything, wandered for days through the room like a shadow sighed when my father came, relentlessly nagged him. As soon as the family move into the house - not his own, but in the treasury, as a mother alive. Here at its disposal was again penny land. Launched littered with debris, but the snout. Soon, thanks to the efforts of his mother, he began to feed his family cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes, and then the cherries, plums, apples ... "Download Alexander Bazdyrev. End Nakhalovka.
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