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All the books in the series: STALKER
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Uploaded: 19.04.2008
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Additional information
Title: "Roadside Picnic"
Number of pages: 221
Title: "The affected area"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Vasily Orekhov
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 416
Title: "House of the swamp"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Alex Kalugin
Country Russia
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 384
Title: "The Deserter"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Alexei Stepanov
Country Russia
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 416
Title: The book "Shadow of Chernobyl"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Dmitry Zlotnitsky
Authors: Jerzy Tumanovsky, Dmitri Kalinin, Critic Werewolf, Roman Kulikov, Mad_dog, Yuri Kruglov, Gall and Rad-X
Country Russia
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 448
Title: "The choice of weapons"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Andrew Levitsky
Country Russia
Year: 2007
Number of pages: 384
The author of this book - one of the writers of the game "STALKER: Clear Sky", is well acquainted with all the mysteries of the Zone, with its seamy side hidden from the uninitiated, is not accessible to any novice or experienced players ...
Title: "Countdown"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Vyacheslav Shalygin
Country Russia
Year: 2008
Number of pages: 352
Title: "hourglass"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Sergey undercuts
Country Russia
Year: 2007
Number of pages: N / A
Title: "The dream to kill"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Alex Kalugin
Country Russia
Year: 2008
Number of pages: 384
Title: "Cold Blood"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Roman Glushkov
Country Russia
Year: 2008
Number of pages: 480
Title: "Line of Fire"
Genre: Postapokalipsis, action-fantasy
Author: Vasily Orekhov
Country Russia
Year: 2008
Number of pages: 416
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