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An analysis of the effectiveness of waste treatment
Content: tech_waste.pdf 423,71 kB
Product description
Purpose - analysis of the effectiveness of technologies for processing the most common types of waste, creating the same problems in all regions of Russia, and development of recommendations for their implementation.
During the data array is formed on paper recycling technologies, including laminated paper; wood, textile and plastic waste (including PET bottles); fluorescent lamps containing mercury, chicken manure and pig manure. The methodological approach and assessed the effectiveness of recycling technologies.
Evaluating the effectiveness of selected technologies waste showed that
-Production using waste in most cases of non-competitive when compared with a similar of the primary raw materials;
-Term of return most of the proposed technologies in the current economic climate is 3-5 years;
-level payments for waste disposal does not stimulate the introduction of technologies in their processing.
The result of the prepared recommendations for the implementation of waste treatment technologies.
Guidelines for the implementation of waste treatment technologies can be used terorganami Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and local governments, as guidelines.
Additional information
Moscow 2000, 75 p. A4
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