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Analysis of financial and economic activity control
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Uploaded: 09.04.2011
Content: 10409205811387.doc 101,5 kB
Product description
Analysis of financial and economic activity control work
1. What kinds of financial and economic analysis, you know?
2. What is the qualitative factors of economic analysis, and that applies to them?
3. Expand the concept of "quality products." What are the indicators of quality of products, you know?
4. What are the sources of information for the analysis of fixed assets?
5. How is the analysis of the payroll? List the steps in sequence.
6. What kinds of costs do you know? With these kinds of concerns?
7. What is the total cost? Give an example.
8. What are the factors related to changes in overhead and general running costs?
9. What are the stages involves an analysis of the financial condition of the organization?
10. What conditions are the basis for recognition of the unsatisfactory structure of balance sheet and the company - bankrupt?
Additional information
2014, 9 p.
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