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Analysis of financial-economic activity of Practical MEI
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1. Calculate the current ratio of the company "JerseySVV" for two periods and compare with the average value. Current assets of the company in the first period were equal to 381 thousand. USD., In the second period rose to 421 thousand. Dollars. Current liabilities decreased from 220 thousand. USD. Up to 199 thousand. USD. In the second period. The average value ratio decreased from 2.12 to 1.99 for the second period.
2. Calculate the value of the coefficient of autonomy for the two periods and compare with the average value. The sum of all assets of the enterprise in the first period amounted to 1296 thousand. USD., In the second period rose to 1322 thousand. USD. The volume of equity of the company decreased from 560 thousand. USD. Up to 532 thousand. Dollars. The average value for the index did not change and amounted to 0, 56.
3. Detroit and Alabama are identical in all but the capital structure. At Detroit has 55% equity, and the rest were taken on credit. In Alabama, only 25% relates to equity. The interest rate for borrowings equals 12.5% \u200b\u200band is the same for both companies. You have 1% of the shares of each company. How much do you get income for the shares in each company, if the net profit amounted to 420 thousand. USD. And the level of capitalization is 17.4%? What is the return on equity for companies?
4. Calculate the value of return on costs for two periods and compare with the average value. Depreciation amounted to 83 thousand. Dollars. In the first period and 112 thousand. Dollars. Second. Net profit of the company increased from 128 thousand. USD. Up to 162 thousand. USD. In the second period. Operating costs amounted to 614 thousand. USD. In the first period and 733 thousand. Dollars. Second. The average value of the coefficient increased from 0.31 to 0.34 for the second period.
5. Calculate the value of the asset turnover ratio for the two periods and compare with the average value. The sum of all assets of the enterprise in the first period amounted to 1296 thousand. USD., In the second period rose to 1322 thousand. Dollars. Revenues from sales amounted to 869 thousand. USD. In the first period and 992 thousand. Dollars. Second. The average value for the index fell from 0.81 to 076 in the second period.
6. Calculate the value of the coefficient of return on equity for the two periods and compare with the average value. Net profit of the company increased from 128 thousand. USD. Up to 162 thousand. USD. The volume of the company's equity decreased from 560 thousand. Dollars. To 532 thousand. Dollars. The average value ratio decreased from 0.22 to 0.20 for the second period.
7. Calculate the value of return on sales for the two periods and compare with the average value. Net profit of the company increased from 128 thousand. USD. Up to 162 thousand. Dollars. Revenues from sales amounted to 869 thousand. USD. In the first period and 992 thousand. Dollars. Second. The average value for the index did not change and amounted to 0,156.
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |