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Analysis of financial statements of YuSU (UTair Aviatio
Content: tablitsy_AFO_po_predpriatiyu (1).xlsx 126,66 kB
7 $ | the discount is | 15% |
5 $ | the discount is | 12% |
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Product description
Section 1. Brief description of the enterprise 3
Section 2. Vertical and horizontal analysis of the balance sheet 8
Section 3. Matrix balance of the enterprise 13
Section 4. Assessment of liquidity of assets (balance sheet) 15
Section 5. Assessment of financial stability and solvency 18
Section 6. Forecasting the likelihood of bankruptcy of the enterprise 27
Section 7. Evaluation of the efficiency of the enterprise 29
Section 8. Analysis of the statement of changes in equity 36
Section 9. Analysis of the statement of cash flows 38
Section 10. Analysis of the explanations to the balance sheet and income statement 40
Conclusion 46
Offers 48
Additional information
Bonus: file in Exel format, where all tables are calculated. If you have another company, you can replace the original data and everything in this file will be automatically recalculated)
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