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Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature
Content: text 127 symbols
Product description
Analysis of Psychological and Pedagogical Literature - Thesis
Chapter 1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature
§one. Stages of informatization of society and the development of personal information culture
§2. The concept of "Personal Information Culture"
§3. Tasks of personal information culture and modern methods of their implementation
§four. Conditions of formation of information culture of schoolchildren
Chapter 2. Research part
Stage 1. In the survey, pupils of grades 5–6 participated, who were asked to respond to a number of
questions (see Appendix 1).
Stage 2. Pupils of 5 - 6 classes took part in the testing and were asked to complete the tasks
test (see Appendix 2).
Chapter 3. Psychological and pedagogical recommendations
§one. Experience of school libraries in the formation of information culture
§2. Scenarios of lessons on the formation of information culture
Bibliographic list
Appendix 1 Questionnaire Questions
Appendix 2 Test to determine the level of information culture
Additional information
Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature
One of the most essential qualities of a person in a modern dynamically changing society is
the ability to constantly improve their skills, independently acquire knowledge.
Chapter 1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature
§one. Stages of informatization of society and the development of personal information culture
Over the centuries-old development of mankind, the processes of information transfer, informational interactions between individuals, groups and society have undergone significant changes.
The development of the environment, the expansion of living space, the complication of social and spiritual life of society have one of its consequences have the growth of social information.
§2. The concept of "Personal Information Culture"
Today our society is experiencing a real informational boom. Computer technology, systems that make it possible to optimally use and process an ever-increasing stream of various information have found wide application in production, management, and education.
§3. Tasks of personal information culture and modern methods of their implementation
In modern society, rapidly developing, having multidimensional social strata and prone to informational imbalance, the problems of its harmonization come to the fore. One of the factors contributing to the balancing of society, the smoothing of contradictions, is the formation of information culture of the individual.
§four. Conditions of formation of information culture of schoolchildren
An integral part of the federal program "Informatization of Russia" is regional informatization.
The problem of regional informatization includes a whole range of complex issues. These include, in particular, the need to create legal, economic, technological and social conditions for obtaining operational, reliable and complete information about the economy, the state of environmental, educational, cultural and other spheres of regional development.
As the analysis of many years of experience of work of teachers of the Information Technologies Department of the Kemerovo State Academy of Culture and Arts (KemGAKI) with students of general education institutions in the system of continuing education shows, the results of a profile interview with applicants and monitoring the adaptation of first-year students cannot be considered satisfactory .
Chapter 2. Research part. The goal of our research, as already mentioned in the introduction, is to confirm or refute the assumption that the level of information culture of schoolchildren of 5-6 grade is low.
Stage 1. Students of grades 5–6 took part in the survey and were asked to answer a series of questions (see Appendix 1).
The results of the survey in school number 3:
1. 17.07% of students gave a more complete definition of the term “Information Culture”.
2. 85.37% of respondents believe that information plays a large role in their lives.
Stage 2. Students from grades 5–6 took part in the testing and were asked to complete the test tasks (see Appendix 2).
The test results in school number 3:
More than half of students have a low level of information culture - 53.7%.
Chapter 3. Psychological and pedagogical recommendations
§one. Experience of school libraries in the formation of information culture
In the modern period is the formation of the information society, in which the main values are the creative potential and mental abilities of a person. The success and stability of the individual in a changing society depends on the ability to learn easily, to carry out continuous education.
§2. Scenarios of lessons on the formation of information cultures Library lesson "Alphabetical catalog" The lesson is part of the program of additional education "Basics of Information Culture" and is intended
Note: Thesis in the format: DOCX - Microsoft Office Word - 42 pages of text
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