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Ancient Rome. Shameful pages of history
Content: Древний-Рим.-Позорные-страницы-истори.fb2 118,55 kB
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Product description
Ancient Rome. What happened in those distant times, how the Caesars ruled, how they fought, how they loved, had fun... What passions boiled in the gladiator arena... The Middle Ages, the most shameful pages of the history of ancient Rome. The bloody sand of the Arena, the revolt of the gladiators... The events in ancient Rome were truly exciting and full of passion. Roman citizens were known for their debauched holidays and opulent lifestyle. The history of ancient Rome was full of violence and political intrigue.
Additional information
I fell in love with the history of the ancient world from the first lesson. I read a lot about the latest discoveries, research, and excavations. Mysteries of the pyramids, secrets of burials, myths and legends of the ancients. Modern equipment of scientists is revealing more and more secrets. My knowledge of the ancient world continues to expand with every material I read. I actively follow the latest discoveries, research and excavations that take place in different parts of the world. Who were the ancients? What gods did ancient civilizations worship? What secrets do lost civilizations keep? What is the secret of their death? The history of the ancients is becoming more and more fascinating and exciting, and I talk about this in my books.
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