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Andrew Teplyakov. The case of the phenomenon Vedlozersky
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Uploaded: 17.09.2011
Content: tepliakov_delo_o_vedlozerskom_fenomene.fb2 558,49 kB
Product description
In the autumn of 1928 over the village Schuknavolok Pryazha region of Karelia unidentified object flew right cylindrical shape. The object was moving slowly and noiselessly. Having three hundred meters above the houses, he broke the ice Vedlozero and sank to the bottom. Raised wave them almost demolished the village and caused the destruction of farms tangible locals. Judging by the nature of the motion of an object and its ability to maneuver, you can make an assumption about his artificial origin.
Further reports of anomalous phenomena in the area Schuknavoloka began to arrive since the summer of 1933. The first was the news of the black cloud from which poured thick gelatinous rain. We know that locals gather "jelly" and used it for medical purposes. In the same year there were reports of encounters with a strange creature - meters tall, thin, with a large head, long arms and short legs, it received the nickname of "Water from Vedlozero." Later, in 1937, there were reports of light anomalies on the lake and the island, next to which the object fell. Himself mysterious cylinder was not found. At the site of the alleged fall we found nothing.
It was decided to carry out an investigation on the spot.
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