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Anliysky language control part 1, 10 jobs
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on the subject "English" (Part 1), the number of jobs - 10.
Task 1.
Put words in the correct order, turned to narrative or interrogative sentence.
For example:
a an have of I accountant diploma.
I have a diploma of an accountant
want you do anything?
Do you want anything?
1. pleased am you very I to meet.
2. do you Mr. Smith do how?
3. to it of interest is special you.
4. what on a your opinion is possibility cooperation?
5. would to discuss I like the terms.
Task 2.
In each group of words (or phrases) are three integrated general concept. Locate and write the fourth floor, not related to him within the meaning of.
1. to be against to arrange to disagree to object
2. excuse me pardon happy sorry
3. contract agreement treaty invitation
4. pleasure question problem matter
5. price cost money sea
Task 3.
Under the proposals, only one is correct. Locate and write it down.
1. It is a great pleasure for me to inform you that you can expect payment in three days.
2. It is of great pleasure to me to inform you that you can expect payment in three days.
3. It is a great pleasure of me to inform you that you can expect payment in three days.
4. It is a great pleasure for me inform you that you can expect payment in three days.
5. It is a great pleasure for me to inform you that you can expect payment at three days.
Task 4.
Put punctuation marks where necessary. Underline or highlight them in a different color.
1. Oh, Jack
2. Mr. Wood we agree to join your project.
3. If you want a job you should read advertisements write letters ring up people.
4. Have you received my letter of June 16, 1998
5. I regret that you can not accept my invitation.
Task 5.
Insert the Shout of prepositions if necessary.
1. It is a reply (at, by, to) your fax.
2. Thank you (in, for, with) providing me (for, with, about) the catalogues.
3. I've lost your response (on, of, to) my letter (on, of, with) October 15, 1976.
4. I answered (at, on, to) many questions, filled (with, into, in) the forms.
5. Mr White met the representatives of our firm (in, on, for) Sunday.
Task 6.
Pick synonyms from the column in the words of column A. Record them in pairs, give a translation. For example: exit- way out - way out.
to participate thankful
grateful chance
possibility discomfort
inconvenience to get
to obtain to take part in
Task 7.
Answer the questions.
1. What do you say when you meet your friend?
2. What do you say when you want to introduce yourself?
3. How do you express your hope for a successful cooperation?
4. What do you say when you are busy and can not accept the invitation?
5. What do you say when you are late?
Task 8.
Each sentence has a grammatical error (verb tenses). Find it and correct.
1. He have a diploma of an accountant.
2. We are not like the terms of the contract.
3. I am at the exibition yesterday.
4. We did not received your payment yet.
5. How do you send the letter to-morrow?
Task 9.
Instead, insert omissions want, should, would, have to.
1. You ... pay the bill by all means.
2. What ... you like for breakfast?
3. If you want to buy our goods you ... look through our price-lists and catalogues.
4. I am on a diet, and I ... eat many vegetables.
5. It is too late. I ... to go to bed.
Task 10.
Put five questions to the proposal (the general, to the subject, by his definition, to the circumstances of place - and separating the issue).
Our produce is in stable demand in Canada.
Additional information
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