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Answers to the questions "Technology of Instrument Engi
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Product description
Answers to questions on the specialty "Technology of Instrument Engineering"
1. Characteristics of objects of instrument-making production.
2. Specific features of aerospace instrumentation products
3. Stages of product life cycle. Characteristics of the product: parts, assembly units (CE), devices, complexes, kits.
4. The concept of industrial and technological systems.
5. The concept of the production process, process, their components, means of technological equipment.
6. Characteristics of technological processes at the stages of production: procurement, processing, assembly and control, control, regulation and testing. Classification of types of TP and their relationship to types of production: single and unified TP (typical and group).
7. Perspective directions of development of technology of instrument making at the present stage. The evolution of the design and design of products and its impact on production technology.
8. Composition, goals and objectives of technological preparation of production (CCI).
9. The main purpose and structure of the Unified system of technological preparation of production (ESTPP).
10. Technological design as one of the functions of the CCI.
11. The main tasks of technological design.
12. Design of TP. Features of the development of individual and unified TP. Group technological processes.
13. Accuracy of technological processes. The concepts of stability and stability of TP.
14. Evaluation of stability and stability by the parameters of the laws of distribution of technological errors
15. Basics of ensuring manufacturability of product design (TKI).
16. The content of work to ensure the TKI, depending on the design stage.
17. Kinds of estimates TKI. Indicators TKI, their classification, the choice of nomenclature and features of the calculation.
18. Accounting for economic factors in the design of TP.
19. Development of route and operating technologies.
20. Selection of technological equipment. Types of technological documentation and the procedure for its registration according to ESTD standards.
21. The quality of the functioning of the production system.
22. Product quality, quality indicators and their relationship with production processes.
23. The main technical and economic indicators of TP: cost, reduced costs, performance.
24. The structure of the technological cost of the product and reduced costs.
25. The choice of a rational version of the TP at cost, reduced costs and performance.
26. Labor productivity and its role in increasing production efficiency. The classification of the cost of working time.
27.Typovaya structure of the norm of time and its components.
28. Reserves and ways to increase productivity.
29. The main technological tasks to ensure the quality of products.
30. The concept of quality system and the basic provisions of the ISO 9000 system of standards.
31. Technological methods to ensure a given accuracy during assembly.
32.Method of complete interchangeability.
33. Method of incomplete interchangeability.
34.Method group interchangeability.
35.Method adjustment.
36.Method fit.
37. Technological processes for the manufacture of printed circuit boards, multi-level mounting and switching structures.
38. The essence and advantages of printed wiring.
39. Basic concepts and definitions. Design and technological classification of printed circuit boards, multi-level mounting and switching structures.
40.Methods for the manufacture of printed circuit boards: subtractive; additive; combined.
41. The composition and content of the typical technological processes of manufacturing single-layer and multilayer printed circuit boards.
42. Manufacturing technology of flexible printed circuit boards, flexible harnesses and cables.
43. Rapid prototyping technology.
44. The main technologies of rapid production of prototypes of products.
45. Stereolithography.
46.Technologies using thermal processes.
47. Technology FDM-technology.
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