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Anti-Tank weapons in WWII
Content: text 32 symbols
Product description
Name: Anti-Tank Weapons of WW2
By Peter Chamberlain
Format: PDF
Size: 22 mb.
Quality: Excellent
English language
Year of publication: 2005
Without a doubt, the most important tactical weapon of the Second World War was a tank. His superiority on the battlefields of all other army units was recognized by all the warring countries that were engaged in the development and production of weapons capable of opposing him. The strength of the tank was its mobility, the strength of the weapon opposing it was to deprive the tank of this mobility. In this book you will find a description of all anti-tank weapons used by all the armies involved in the war. Protivo-tank guns, anti-tank guns, mines, grenades, as well as bazookas and flamethrowers of German tank destroyers - everything is given in this book. Each weapon is described in detail and is accompanied by illustrations.
Unfortunately, the book did not include descriptions of weapons from units such as PanzerJager or British anti-tank installations. For example, the German Flak cannon deserved the fame of "tank killer", but was originally developed for air defense, and by the end of the war it turned out to be effective against infantry. The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with weapons, whose only function was to damage enemy tanks.
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