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Aramis Project - Alien Life Forms
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Product description
In 1988, one of the US scientists employed in a number of government programs received a message from one of the missing colleagues. The report scans from a number of secret projects conducted by the NSA. According to these materials, the leadership of a number of US departments (CIA, NASA, NSA) was associated with an alien life form and conducted a number of joint projects. According to the order of the scientist who had sent, he published them in one of the public archives, from which they were immediately removed by government services. Along with copies of the archives, a summary was published under the title "The Aramis Code - Blue Earth". Some who had time to make copies of the documents laid out then tried to publish them, but met with opposition. Only after almost 10 years, books began to appear on parts of this information. But by this time a large number of science fiction films and books profaning the reality of these documents had been released by the US government. The Association "Protohistory" managed to get the initial archive and the first version of its description. Made a translation into Russian.
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