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ARIS methodology + course text
Content: ARIS методология.txt 0,03 kB
Product description
Topic: "ARIS methodology, its advantages and disadvantages"
Introduction 2
Section 1. Theoretical part 4
1.1. Characteristics of the ARIS 4 methodology
1.2. Unique features of ARIS 8
Section 2. Design part 13
2.1. ARIS 13 methodology software
2.2. Ergonomics of circuits in ARIS 17
Section 3. Practical part 22
3.1. Practical implementation of models in ARIS 22
Conclusion 27
Apps 32
Additional information
Course work on the topic: "The ARIS Methodology, its advantages and disadvantages" is framed according to the requirements for this kind of work. The material includes the required number of drawings to cover the topic.
Number of literature sources - 23.
Number of pages - 33.
Attachment - 1.
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