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ASB network
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Uploaded: 23.10.2014
Content: 41023161923810.rar 2198,77 kB
Product description
Collection conditional graphical symbols for expert engineering networks for different purposes.
Created by:
1. GOST 2.735-68 "Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. Antennas and radio stations. "
2. GOST 2.737-68 "Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. The communication devices. "
3. GOST 2.739-68 "Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. Devices, switches and telephone switching stations. "
4. GOST 2.740-89 "Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. Apparatus and broadcast telegraph. "
5. GOST 2.761-84 "GOST 2.761-84 Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. Components of the fiber-optic transmission systems."
6. GOST 21.406-88 "System of design documents for construction. Wired communications. Graphical symbols for diagrams and plans. "
7. GOST 2.752-71 "Unified system for design documentation. Graphical symbols in diagrams. Telemechanics".
Format - DWG.
7 GOST-s.
100% in accordance with GOST.
Elements for easy tool palettes are collected in blocks AutoCAD 2010.
The archive also contains the halyards, made as a standard drawing format, DWG, compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2014, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD etc.
- For correct display of drawings, you must download and install the fonts engineering GOST GOST_A for AutoCAD and Windows.
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