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ASB single line diagram
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 06.03.2023
Content: УГО Однолинейные схемы.rar 589,18 kB
Product description
The collection contains 194 conditional graphic designations of electrical devices in the format of AutoCAD DWG, used in the design of single-line diagrams of main and secondary circuits.
Conditional graphical notation for convenience, collected in the tool palette blocks. 100% in accordance with GOST.
ASB presented the following equipment:
- Power transformers.
- Measuring transformers.
- High-voltage switches.
- Disconnecting.
- For short.
- Arresters.
- Reactor.
- Breakers.
- Diodes.
- Contact bridge.
- Knife.
- And etc.
The archive also contains elements of the ASB made as a standard drawing format AutoCAD2004 / 2010.
- For correct display of drawings, you must download and install the fonts engineering GOST GOST_A for AutoCAD and Windows.
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