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- Website Promotion 70
ASB standards CMEA
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 23.10.2014
Content: 41023161407240.rar 700,52 kB
Product description
The collection contains conditional graphic designations of CMEA standards in format AutoCAD DWG, used for the design of various engineering systems.
Conditional graphical notation for convenience, collected in the tool palette blocks. 100% in accordance with GOST.
ASB are based on:
1. ST SEV 160-75 ESKD CMEA. Graphical symbols power lines and communications.
2. ST SEV 1633-79 ESKD. Drawings of buildings. Image of vertical structures.
3. ST SEV 2825-80 ESKD. Construction drawings. Symbols and notation. Smoke and ventilation channels.
4. ST SEV 2826-80 ESKD. Construction drawings. Symbols and notation. Holes, recesses, grooves, furrows.
5. ST SEV 3506-81 ESKD. Construction drawings. Graphical symbols. Elements of water pipe.
6. ST SEV 3507-81 ESKD. Construction drawings. Graphical symbols. Elements of sewage systems.
7. ST SEV 4722-84 ESKD. Construction drawings. Symbols. Fasteners and openings in the drawings of metal structures.
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