- Games 316925
- 7 Days to Die 66
- Age of Empires 344
- Age of Mythology 36
- Age of Wonders 226
- ALIEN: Isolation 75
- ArcheAge 10
- ARK: Survival Evolved 63
- Arma 411
- Armored Warfare: Проект Армата 218
- Baldur's Gate 3 112
- Banished 8
- Batman: Arkham Knight 144
- Battle.net 163
- Battlefield 1 123
- Battlefield Hardline 49
- Battlefield V 139
- Black Desert 54
- Blade and Soul 10
- Bless Online 1
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 145
- Call of Duty: WWII 65
- Car Mechanic Simulator 312
- Chess The Gathering 2
- Chivalry 46
- Cities: Skylines 673
- Clash of Clans 29
- Counter-Strike 202
- Crossout 102
- Crusader Kings 257
- Cyberpunk 2077 205
- Dark Souls 302
- DarkOrbit 1
- DayZ 130
- Dead Rising 228
- Destiny 2 647
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 121
- Divinity 134
- Don't Starve 221
- Doom 426
- Dragon Age 183
- Dying Light 486
- EA Game Cards (EA Cash Cards) 11
- EA Play/Origin 77
- EA Sports FC (FIFA) 550
- East India Company 4
- Eets 2
- Elden Ring 228
- Elite: Dangerous 71
- Enclave 7
- Endless Legend 17
- Escape from Tarkov 42
- Euro Truck Simulator 910
- Evolve 3
- Fallout 657
- Farming Simulator 387
- Firewatch 15
- Football Manager 82
- For Honor 406
- Formula 1 (F1) 187
- Fortnite 690
- Forza 1071
- H1Z1 11
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 58
- Heroes of the Storm 18
- Hitman 2016 11
- Homefront: The Revolution 67
- Hunt: Showdown 733
- Hurtworld 8
- Insurgency 298
- Just Cause 2 37
- Just Cause 3 104
- Killing Floor 191
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 233
- Knights and Merchants 6
- Knockout City 3
- Lords Of The Fallen 136
- Mad Max 67
- Magicka 72
- Metal Gear Solid 164
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 81
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War 96
- Minecraft 484
- Monster Hunter 339
- Murdered: Soul Suspect 27
- NBA 2K 305
- Need For Speed 587
- Nexon 1
- NHL 105
- Nidhogg 7
- No Man's Sky 83
- Overwatch 125
- Path of Exile 158
- Planetary Annihilation 8
- Plants vs Zombies 122
- Playstation Store 1311
- Prison Architect 47
- Project CARS 78
- Prototype 67
- Rainbow Six 334
- Red Dead Redemption 332
- Risen 3 27
- Rocket League 51
- Ryse: Son of Rome 20
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R 232
- Sacred 3 30
- Sniper Elite 366
- South Park 143
- Space Engineers 108
- Space Rangers HD 12
- Spintires 20
- Star Wars Battlefront 115
- State of Decay 66
- Steam Trading Cards 14
- Stronghold Crusader 2 52
- Stronghold Kingdoms 8
- Terraria 67
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 44
- The Crew 280
- The Division 288
- The Evil Within 115
- The Forest 78
- The Long Dark 67
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 15
- Trainz Simulator 56
- Tropico 363
- Unreal Tournament 9
- V okope 2
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War 36
- Walking Dead 121
- Warface 95
- Wargame 27
- Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 189
- Wasteland 85
- Wolfenstein 224
- World of Warplanes 6
- World of Warships 114
- Worms 315
- XBOX: random 3
- XCOM 163
- Elder Scrolls Online 309
- 1060
- 4GAME 4
- Age of Conan 9
- Aion 18
- Aliens vs Predator 30
- Aliens: Colonial Marines 26
- Allods Online 2
- Anno 468
- Assassin's Creed 1338
- Batman: Arkham City 31
- Batman: Arkham Origins 66
- Battlefield 3 74
- Battlefield 4 214
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 18
- BattleForge 1
- BioShock 165
- Borderlands 592
- Brink 4
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 599
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts 129
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 65
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 568
- Champions Online 1
- Company of Heroes 164
- Crysis 155
- CyKash 1
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic 8
- Darksiders II 57
- Dead Island 385
- Dead Space 267
- Demigod 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution 41
- Devil May Cry 423
- Diablo 3 74
- Dirt 299
- Dishonored 113
- Dota 2 599
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 162
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 2
- Eve Online 32
- Far Cry 941
- FEAR 70
- Final Fantasy 552
- Forgotten Dimensions 6
- Galactic Manager 6
- Garry's Mod 41
- Ghost Recon 321
- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 418
- Grid 107
- Guild Wars 2 74
- Half-Life 82
- Hitman Absolution 35
- Injustice 181
- League of Legends 85
- Left 4 Dead 2 31
- LEGO 1252
- Lineage II 60
- Lord of the Rings Online 8
- Lost Planet 3 28
- Mafia 261
- Mass Effect 153
- Max Payne 3 34
- Medal of Honor 32
- Metro 404
- Might & Magic: Heroes 89
- Mortal Kombat 1014
- Mortal Online 11
- Mount & Blade 153
- Nintendo 495
- Payday 609
- Perfect World 9
- Portal 2 34
- Pro Evolution Soccer 16
- R2 Online 1
- RAGE 64
- Ragnarok Online 2
- Red Orchestra 2 16
- Resident Evil 1319
- RIFT 3
- Rust 150
- Saints Row 247
- Second Life 1
- Secret World 12
- Serious Sam 3: BFE 37
- Sid Meier's Civilization 548
- SimCity 17
- Sleeping Dogs 58
- Splinter Cell 71
- Star Trek Online 14
- Star Wars Galaxies 3
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 30
- StarCraft II 49
- Steam 883
- Syndicate 2
- Team Fortress 2 13
- Tera Online 3
- The Sims 1201
- Thief 69
- Titanfall 103
- Tomb Raider 429
- Torchlight 61
- Total Control 81
- Total War 1095
- Warhammer 40,000 1049
- Warhammer Online 2
- Watch Dogs 476
- Witcher 216
- World of Tanks 213
- World of Warcraft 301
- X Rebirth 22
- Miscellaneous 268158
- IP Telephony 46
- Mobile Telephony 74
- Payment systems 4
- Satellite TV 11
- Cards 552
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 19.07.2021
Content: text 17 symbols
250 $ | the discount is | 2% |
100 $ | the discount is | 1% |
Product description
Customization and diversity lie at the heart of ASCENDANTS Rising, a revolutionary, CO-OP Action-RPG where players team up, and battle their way across the Multiverse with Incarnates, powerful characters from across space and time. Whether you´re playing as a Healer, Striker, or Protector, your unique Incarnate will be able to master countless combinations of abilities, as well as Artefacts: mighty weapons that can be infused and leveled up with an array of gems. With three game modes (Coliseum, Dungeons, & Raids), randomly generated bosses, and a story stretching across numerous themed worlds ranging from Medieval Fantasy, Lovecraftian Horror, Sci-Fi, as well as Urban Fantasy, there is always something new for you and your friends to experience. What will you encounter in the Multiverse?
⭐ What can you expect from Ascendants Rising? ⭐
Do you like MMORPGs? Are you tired of the tedious grind, the group hunting, and the long treks before you are allowed to have fun? Or maybe you just don´t have time for this anymore?
Then, do we have the game for you!
In ASCENDANTS Rising, you can find:
✔️ Quick Access to the Action: In a group, in just a few clicks from logging in, you could be slaughtering your enemies and picking up that sweet, sweet loot from their cold, dead bodies.
✔️ No Grind: Your level does not define your usefulness. Your gaming skills (to be acquired separately), teammates, and choice of build will be your ticket to victory.
✔️ A Build-a-Class System: There is no Class restriction. The large selection of spells, weapons and other perks will help you shape your own play-style! You want to slap enemies with your big sword to heal your team? Done! You want to backstab enemies with your gun? Sure, why not! You want to savor some classic crispy Fireball-cooked enemies? We can hook you up!
✔️ Ever-Changing Levels: You think you know that boss over there? That you´re going to slice him up with the ol ´rusty kitchen knife so he can cough up some loot? Well, think again, because the Multiverse is a cold, unforgiving mistress. Everything from environments, encounters, enemies, and even the boss mechanics themselves are randomized.
Additional information
1. Launch Steam.
2. Log in to your account or create a new one.
3. In the top menu of the Steam window, select the menu item "Games" -> "Activate via Steam"
4. Accept the terms of the agreement and enter the received key
5. Follow the instructions to install the game
+ 1 random Steam key to anyone who leaves a positive feedback! 🎁
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