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Assembler - language of unlimited possibilities. Textbook format CHM.
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Uploaded: 30.03.2007
Content: assembler.chm 541,39 kB
Product description
Chapter 1. Preliminaries
1.1 What do I need to work with the assembler
1.2 Presentation of data in computers
1.2.7. Memory organization
Chapter 2. Intel processors in real
2.1. CPU registers
2.2. Addressing Modes
2.3. Main unprivileged team
2.4. Floating point numbers
2.5. Working with extension IA MMX
Chapter 3 of the Directive and the operators of the assembler
3.1. Program Structure
3.2. Directive memory allocation
3.3. Program Organization
3.4. Expressions
3.5. Macros
3.6. Other directives
Chapter 4. Basics of programming for MS-DOS
4.1. Programs like COM
4.2. The program type EXE
4.3. Displaying text mode
4.4. Keyboard Input
4.5. Graphic Modes
4.6. Working with the mouse
4.7. Other devices
4.8. Working with Files
4.9. Memory Management
4.10. Download and run the program
4.11. Command parameters and environment variables
Chapter 5. More complex programming techniques
5.1. Control Structures
5.2. Procedures and functions
5.3. Nested procedures
5.4. Integer arithmetic of high accuracy
5.5. Fixed-point calculations
5.6. Floating point
5.7. Popular algorithms
5.8. Interception interrupt
5.9. TSRs
5.10. Programming at the level of input-output ports
5.11. Device drivers in DOS
Chapter 6. Programming in protected mode
6.1. Addressing in Protected Mode
6.2. VCPI interface
6.3. DPMI interface
6.4. DOS extender
Chapter 7. Programming for Windows 95 and Windows NT
7.1. The first program
7.2. Console Applications
7.3. Graphic Apps
7.4. Shared Libraries
7.5. Device Drivers
Chapter 8. The assembler and high-level languages
8.1. Passing parameters
8.2. Misnomer
8.3. Pstroenny assembler
Chapter 9. Optimization
9.1. High-level optimization
9.2. Optimization at the secondary level
9.3. Low-level optimization
Chapter 10. Intel processors in protected mode
10.1. Registers
10.2. System and privileged commands
10.3. Log in and out of protected mode
10.4. Segment Addressing
10.5. Interrupt and exception handling
10.6. Page addressing
10.7. Protection mechanism
10.8. Organisation
10.9. Virtual 8086 Mode
Chapter 11. Programming in assembler in a UNIX environment
11.1. Syntax AT & T
11.2. Operators of assembly
11.3. The assembler directives
11.4. Programming with libc
11.5. Programming without libc
Appendix 1: Table of symbols
1. ASCII characters
2. Control characters ASCII
3. The second half of the ASCII Codes
4. The extended ASCII character codes
5. The keyboard scan codes
Appendix 2: Team Intel 80x86
1. General information about the codes of commands
2. General information on the speed of execution
3. Prefixes
4. Teams of Intel 8088 - Pentium II
List of acronyms used
About e-book
Additional information
Author: Zubkov VS
Format: CHM
Size: 540 KB
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