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Assortment drugstores
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Uploaded: 30.05.2013
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Product description
Abstract works "Formation range of pharmaceutical companies. Management of pharmaceutical assortment "
1. Drug range. General concepts.
2. General characteristics of the assortment policy of the pharmacy.
3. Analysis of the range.
4. Forming range.
5. The control range.
Additional information
Product - a complex, multifaceted concept that can be viewed from different angles depending on what objectives are pursued at the same time.
On the one hand, the product - the product of labor, produced for sale. The interpretation of the concept of "goods" in marketing is that the product is meant for all that is offered the market for use or sale. But none of them did not have semantic meaning of certain goods in terms of the concept of strategic marketing and competitive theory of rationality in koto¬rom of paramount importance needs of the consumer.
The ability of products and services to meet the desires of the consumer called their usefulness.
Factors that determine the usefulness of a product or service, a great many. Imen¬no it largely determines the ability to compete for consumer preferences. Utility range of pharmaceutical products has both objective (effectiveness, safety, aesthetic beauty, shelf life, etc..) And subjective (ease of use, design, taste, etc.) Quality. Consequently, the utility of which has a commodity, not absolute, furthermore, it will vary depending on time and place.
At present, the complexity of the optimal current stocks of goods assorti¬mentu and quantity due to the fact that the modern pharmaceutical market is very dynamic and is characterized by a significant increase in the number of registered drugs.
More than 80% of all registered medicines (drugs) accounted for by generics, also called generics. This creates difficulties in the selection of the range of products that would provide services to the population bezdefekturnoe, on the one hand, and the cost-effectiveness of the pharmacy business activities - on the other.
The objective of the pharmacy at the present stage of economic development is not only profit, but above all - to fulfill its social function of providing the population with quality and affordable medicines.
Currently, the pharmacy market is experiencing significant competition, which, despite some negative aspects, resulted in a positive change in the activities of pharmacies: the introduction of market information, including market research and management of drugs, the introduction of new advertising projects, extension services, etc. .
Importantly, the increased competition has caused changes in the assortment policy: led to the diversification of the range of its change in qualitative and quantitative terms, conduct an independent pricing policy. These changes were made and drugs and parapharmaceutical products (nutritional supplements, dietary supplements, diet, herbal teas, sanitary and hygiene products, medical cosmetics), and medical equipment.
In the competitive struggle for the consumer it is very important the quality of products sold, a wide range of services, high level of service. But the most important and relevant in the current fierce competition is properly planned range.
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