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Automation. processing boo. Information 40 vop. DZ RFET
Content: Ответы на 40 воп АОБД ДЗ РФЭТ.pdf 490,13 kB
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Differentiated credit for the discipline "Automated processing of accounting information" 40 questions. Work performed in 2017
perfectly well.
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Questions for verification:
1. Organizational support is ...
a) a system of artificial languages, terms and definitions used in the development and operation of AIS-BU;
b) a set of methods and tools that regulate the interaction of workers with hardware, software, and among themselves in the process of creating and operating AIS-BU;
c) a set of programs that directly implement the algorithms for solving functional accounting tasks.
2. The principle of multiple credential registration is when.
a) the accountant records the same indicator in different journals, books, statements with a different level of generalization of indicators and the way they are grouped;
b) an accountant records the same indicator several times in a journal, book, statement;
c) the accountant records several indicators in the same journal, book, statement.
3. In computer systems, the main register serving
to group and summarize accounting information in a systematic section, is. .
a) encoding;
b) an account;
c) name.
4. A business transaction in accounting may be reflected:
a) only a few postings;
b) only one wiring;
c) one or more postings;
d) can not be reflected.
5. What transactions are used in a number of software products, in which an accounting entry may consist of several interconnected entries, in each of which one account is debited or credited?
a) Single line;
b) multi-layered;
c) Multiline.
6. The combination of transactions, fully reflecting the business transaction in accounting, in computer systems is called:
a) Accounting operation;
b) accounting transactions;
c) Extended wiring.
12. Accounting information, as a category of economic information, has a complex hierarchical structure, which is not represented:
a) details;
b) indicators;
c) documents;
d) accounting accounts.
13. The creation of AIS-BU does not require the acquisition, installation, adjustment and maintenance of normal operation:
a) technical means;
b) air conditioning and air purification systems;
c) system and auxiliary software;
d) specialized software.
40. What is the summation of statements?
a) the transition from the report to a specific posting (set of postings) in the register of business transactions / postings;
b) transfer to another report containing data disclosing the selected indicator;
c) line-by-line addition of all items of consolidated balance sheets, as well as positions of the income statement of the parent and subsidiaries within the scope of consolidation.
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