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Automation. Setting the SAC KBA 065 70% Regulator
Content: 7исследование оптимальных параметров настройки регулятора САР КВА 065 70%.docx 920,52 kB
Product description
Course work on the topic. The study of the optimal settings of the regulator ATS KBA 065 70%
Introduction 2
1. Schematic diagram of the SAR 3
2. The output of the optimal settings of the controller 7
2.1. The derivation of the equation of the dynamics of the control object
2.2. Dynamic controller model 9
2.3. ATS 10 structural diagram
2.4. Calculation of the surge arrester 13
3. Static analysis of the SAR 15
3.1. Static regulation accuracy 15
4. The influence of individual elements of the regulator on the quality of SAR 17
4.1. Assessment of the influence of the numerical values of the time of the actuator and the inertia of the sensor on the quality indicators of transients in a given SAR 17
4.2. Evaluation of the effect of sensor lag time on stability 21
4.3. Evaluation of the effect of insensitivity of the regulator on the properties of ATS 24
5. Instructions for setting up and servicing the regulator 28
Conclusion 31
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