B4B helper (1 month)

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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.52 $ for a positive review

Product description

Supported game version: EGS, Steam
Supported Game Mode: Windowed


ESP display enabled / displayed
Player / Display Players
Zombies / Display zombies
Skeleton / Display skeletons on players and zombies
Head Circle
Name / Display Names
Box / Display 2D squares around players
Line / Display lines to players and zombies
Distance / Display distance
Arrows / Display circular radar
Aim Target / Show aimbot target
Tesxt Size / Change text size
Max. Distance / Change display range

Enabled / enable display of items
Distance / Change display distance to objects
Text Size / Change Text Size for Items

Enabled / enabled aimbot
Aim Target Lock / Aimbot will be fixed on the selected player, while holding the aimbot key, until he is killed
Circle FOV / Display the radius of the aimbot
Bone / Change bone for aiming aimbot
Key / Change menu for aimbot operation
Smooth Speed ​​/ Change the speed of aiming aimbot
Value of the field of view / Change the radius of the aimbot
Distance Value / Change the range of the aimbot

Radar Enabled / Enabled
Point / Show points on radar
Distance / Display distance on radar
Pos X / Change the position of the radar on the X axis
Y Position / Change Radar Y Position
Size Meaning / Change the size of the radar
Alpha box / Change radar transparency
Text Size / Change the size of the text on the radar

The menu is called by pressing "F6" or "Home".
Panic key for all cheats Key "DEL" / To disable all cheats, press "DEL"

Additional information


1. Run EXLoader;
2. Select the cheat that you purchased;
3. Select the version marked [pay] and press the LAUNCH button;
4. Wait for EXLoader to close;
5. When EXLoader closes, a "circle" should be displayed in the center of the screen, if there is one, go to the next item in the list, if it is not there, then do not start the game, but follow all instructions, and also restart the PC, if the problem persists, contact in technical support, you will definitely be helped!;
6. Start the game and wait approximately 1-3 minutes;
7. The cheat menu opens with the "F6" button;
8. Enjoy your game!


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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.52 $ for a positive review.
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