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Banking 50 questions. Diff. RFET test
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Uploaded: 12.12.2018
Content: Ответы на 50 воп Банковское Дело.pdf 508,78 kB
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Banking 50 questions. Differential offset RFET.
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Questions for verification:
1. How many levels does the Russian banking system include?
a) 2
b) 4
at 5
2. The basic principles of the organization of the banking system of Russia is
a) universality of business banks
b) the commercial orientation of the activities of banks
c) all of the above.
3. The authorized capital of the Bank of Russia is equal to
a) 3 billion rubles
b) 8 million rubles
c) 1.5 million rubles.
4. An association of credit organizations that is not a legal entity in which one (parent) credit organization directly or indirectly (through a third party) has a significant influence on the decisions made by the governing bodies of other credit organizations is
a) banking group
b) banking association
c) bank holding.
5. A non-legal entity association of legal entities with participation of credit organizations, in which a legal entity that does not constitute a credit organization (parent organization) has the ability to directly or indirectly (through a third party) have a significant influence on the decisions made by the management bodies of credit organizations , - this
a) banking group
b) banking association
c) bank holding.
8. Financial leverage is
a) the share of borrowed funds in the structure of liabilities
b) relative indicator of economic efficiency
c) the ratio of total debt to equity of the bank.
25. Choose the correct statement.
a) The composition of the audit commission is determined by the members of the Council of the Bank.
b) The composition of the audit committee is determined by the members of the Board of the bank.
c) The composition of the audit committee is determined by the general meeting of shareholders.
39. A loan that has a targeted nature and is secured by the property of the borrower is
a) open credit line
b) one-time term loan
c) overdraft.
49. Leasing is
a) a form of long-term lease associated with the transfer to the use of property for business activities
b) the form of financial lending organizations
c) assessment of the solvency of the borrower.
50. There are no methods for calculating lease payments.
a) a method with a fixed amount of payment
b) method with an advance
c) the method of maximum payments.
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