Bankruptcy of legal entities (2016)

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Product description


Introduction 3
1 General provisions on insolvency (bankruptcy) of legal entities 5
1.1 the Concept and signs of insolvency (bankruptcy) legal
persons 5
1.2 Participants in insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings
persons 11
2 Types of bankruptcy proceedings of legal entities 22
2.1 Objectives and legal consequences of the introduction of surveillance as a security procedure for bankruptcy 22
2.2 The procedure and consequences of the introduction of rehabilitation bankruptcy procedures 31
2.3 Grounds and consequences of the introduction of bankruptcy liquidation procedures 42
Conclusion 48
References used 52
Appendix № 1 60
Appendix № 2 61
Appendix № 3 64

Special literature

1. Barenboim P.D. Legal basis of bankruptcy. M .: Yurist, 1995. 388 p.
2. Batyanov, MV, Appointment and Termination of Powers of an Arbitration Manager, // Law and Economics. Documents. Comments Practice. 2014. № 3. P. 55 - 58.
3. Batyanov M. V. Satisfaction of creditors´ claims in the course of bankruptcy proceedings // Law and Economics. Documents. Comments Practice. 2014. № 7. P. 37 - 40.
4. Belolikov A.I. Principles of Bankruptcy // Economics and Law. 2008. № 8. S. 32-37.
5. Belykh V.S., Dubinchin A.A., Skuratovsky M.L. Legal Principles of Insolvency (Bankruptcy): Educational and Practical Guidebook / Ed. ed. V.S. Yakushev. M .: NORMA - INFRA-M, 2001. 320 p.
6. Boykova A.V. Actual issues of improving the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) // Actual problems of economics and law. 2010. No. 3. P. 9 - 14.
7. Gutnikova A.S. Legal regulation of the opening and holding of competitive proceedings: Author´s abstract. diss. : Cand. legal sciences. M., 2008. 36 p.
8. Dobrachev D.V. Monetary obligations: tendencies of the development of doctrine and judicial practice. Scientific ed. M .: Infotropik Media, 2015. 168 p.
9. Dorokhina E.G. The legal status of the external manager in the conduct of external management // Law enforcement issues. Judicial arbitration practice of the Moscow region. 2010. No. 3. P. 68 - 75.
10. Ivanov M.K., Polyakova V.V. Evolution of the institution of insolvency [Electronic resource]. Access from reference-rights. Garant system.
11. Kuleshov A. Rehabilitation procedures in bankruptcy [Electronic resource]. Access from reference-rights. Consultant Plus systems.
12. Lyubushin N.P. Economic Analysis: Textbook. manual for university students. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2007. 514 p.
13. Masevich M.G., Orlovsky Yu.P., Pavlodsky E.A. Commentary on the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”. M .: Yurist, 2014. 432 p.
14. Nikitina O.A. On some issues related to the satisfaction of claims of creditors in the liquidation of the debtor // Economy and law. 2006. № 6. S. 89-94.
15. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / Under. ed. Dr. filol. sciences, prof. N.Y. Swedish. 15th ed., Stereotype. M .: Rus. lang, 1984. 816 p.
16. Omelekhina N. V. Monetary obligations in the system of financial legal relations, Novosibirsk National Research State University. Scientific ed. Novosibirsk: Science, 2015. 116 p.
17. Petrov D.A. The bankruptcy of the debtor in liquidation // Legal Bulletin of the arbitration manager. 2013. No. 1. P. 33-38.
18. Popov R.A. Crisis management: Textbook. M .: Higher. Shk., 2005. 428 p.
19. Popondopulo V. F. Bankruptcy. Legal regulation: scientific and practical guide. Scientific ed. M .: Prospect, 2015. 432 p.
20. Popondopulo V.F., Slepchenko E.V. The legal nature of relations governed by the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) // Jurisprudence. 2007. № 2. S. 67 - 73.
21. Popondopulo V.F., Slepchenko E.V. Bankruptcy proceedings in court. SPb .: Peter, 2008. 368 p.
22. Rudakova O.Yu., Rudakova T.A. Completeness and accuracy of the financial analysis of the debtor in bankruptcy proceedings // Effective crisis management 2013. № 1 (76). Pp. 76-83.
23. Sweet Y. Recovery procedures - a way to prevent bankruptcy // Russian justice. 2007. №3. Pp

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