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Basics of didactics primary education TestCL
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Uploaded: 08.11.2018
Content: Основы дидактики общего начального образования ОЮИ 2.xls 64,5 kB
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Product description
Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of administrative responsibility for the program file exel Test Client.
The format of the responses: the question - is written the number of the correct answer and the correct answer is written himself. The best format, the passage takes 10 minutes!
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
Answers 2014, the test has been encrypted with the new!
The questions in the test:
Didactic - is:
The learning process - is:
Teaching methods - is:
One of the main criteria of didactics is a skill, which means:
One of the main criteria is the mental development of didactics, which means:
One of the main criteria is the didactics educational activity, which means:
One of the main criteria is the didactic content of education, which means:
One of the main criteria is the training of didactics, which means:
One of the main criteria is the principle of didactic training, which means:
One of the main criteria is the didactic form of training, which means:
One of the main criteria is the intellectual education didactics, which means:
One of the main criteria is didactics skills, which means:
There are different approaches to the labeling methods. Which of them are verbal, visual and practical methods?
Under what conditions can a teacher use only verbal methods?
If any characteristics of students rationally applied reproductive techniques?
The methods according to the degree of independence of thinking of children at acquisition of knowledge include:
The methods of stimulating interest in the teaching include:
The term "bringing up training" in the scientific revolution introduced:
Additional information
Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client.
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
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