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Basics psychogenetics test, 30 questions. Переводчик Go
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Basics psychogenetics test, 30 questions.
1. Select the correct answer. Psychogenetics subject is:
a) study of the role of biological and social factors in the development of the psyche;
b) study of the role and the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in the formation of interindividual variability of psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics of the person;
c) study of the role of the innate and acquired in the formation of personality;
g) study of individual psychological characteristics of man;
d) the study of hereditary developmental mechanisms.
2. Choose the correct statement. Zygotic twins - is:
a) the origin of a zygote;
b) the same genotype;
c) belonging to a certain type of twins;
g) the homozygous or heterozygous state;
d) identical.
3. The number of expressed genes in different tissues of the body of the same person the same way:
a) Do you agree with this statement;
b) you do not agree with this statement.
4. Estimate the heritability trait, if it is known that the value of the genotypic variance on the basis of 0.4, and the value of the phenotypic variance - 0.8:
a) 0.5;
b) 0.2;
c) 0.4;
g) 0,6.
5. What is the number of common genes have an uncle (aunt) and nephew (niece)
a) 50%;
b) 70%;
c) 12.5%;
d) 25%;
d) 20%.
6. Who is the founder of the twin method:
a) F. Galton;
b) Mendel;
c) Charles Darwin;
g) Wundt.
7. The correct sequence of phases of mitosis:
a) prophase, telophase, anaphase, metaphase;
b) metaphase, prophase, telophase, anaphase;
c) interphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase;
d) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
8. How often identified chromosomal aberrations (aberration) in the newborn?
a) up to 10%;
b) 30-40%;
c) up to 1%.
9. Match the names of the types of cell division and their definitions (in front of each title, specify the corresponding definition number):
Determination of Types of cell division
Mitosis and 1. g) The step 1 and 2 separating meiotic division.
2. amitosis and b) the method of division, including the passage of 4 successive phases, which resulted in one of the original mother cell obtained two subsidiaries that are identical to each other.
3. Meiosis in c) cell activity between the two divisions, during which time there is a growth and specialization of cells, as well as DNA doubling.
4. Interphase g d) dividing method comprising two successive divisions, each of which includes four stages. As a result of the sex cells are formed.
5. interkinesis b d) The process of division in which a cell "pereshnurovyvaetsya" in half with the kernel, resulting in formation of two subsidiaries, not identical to each other cells.
10. assortative - it
a) inbreeding, increases the likelihood of having to be crossed in the organisms of the same alleles;
b) a phenomenon in which the formation of couples or crossing against any sign of going on coincidental way: there is a sexual preference;
c) forms mating unrelated single species, no common ancestors over 4-5 or more generations;
g) the free and random mating.
11. Determine the mode of inheritance, when it was found that the risk of developing the disease is 25% based on pedigree analysis:
a) autosomal dominant;
b) autosomal recessive;
c) linked to the X chromosome;
g) polygenic;
d) coupled to Y-chromosome.
12. At the heart of Down syndrome is:
a) trisomy of chromosome 13;
b) trisomy of chromosome 18;
c) trisomy of chromosome 21;
g) triploidy.
13. How often is diagnosed Patau syndrome among newborns:
a) one newborn at 500-1000;
b) one on 7000 infants;
c) from one to 5,000 infants;
g) one at 60,000 newborns.
14. Which of the following is trisomy syndromes:
a) Turner´s syndrome;
b) Marfan syndrome;
a) Down´s syndrome;
g) syndrome of "cat cry";
d) Patau syndrome.
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